Monthly Archives: May 2022
The Serenity of the Lowcountry Island Lifestyle
Do you really need to be convinced to move to a beautiful island? Well, fine. This won’t be hard. Why Hilton Head Island you ask? This 12-mile Island bordered by the Atlantic Ocean is unlike most other vacation destinations. Free of neon signs, billboards, or skyscraper buildings, it’s loaded with history. Here in the South,... Read More
A Special Thanks to Those Who Fought for Our Country
Memorial Day. A day of remembrance. America commemorates those who died fighting for our country on this specific day each year. Although, everyday we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice while defending their nation. And every day we honor those currently fighting for our country. Approximately 620,000 people were killed in the Civil War,... Read More
Fun Summer Activities on Hilton Head Island
Here on Hilton Head Island, the word ‘bored’ isn’t in our vocabulary. There’s always something fun to do, even if it’s just as simple as relaxing on the beach. Because who doesn’t consider that fun? On a beautiful summer day, you can’t go wrong with these fun outdoor activities: Bike Around the Island Hilton Head is... Read More
Benefits of an Investment Property
An investment property could be beneficial for many reasons. Investing your money today in assets, such as real estate, is a great way to prepare yourself and your family for the unexpected that the future brings. It could be your second home for part of the year that you also profit from renting out to... Read More
Sea Turtle Season on Hilton Head Island
Happy May Monday! CAUTION: lots of sunshine and beautiful weather ahead! May is one of the best months out of the whole year on Hilton Head Island; perfect temperatures and the lightest rainfall. The icing on the top of the cake? The ocean is finally warm enough to go for a swim! So you can... Read More